This guide is designed for TI-Basic programmers who thinkthey've mastered Basic. Why is optimization important? Severalreasons come to mind:
When I first wrote this guide, back in 2000, I had never seena concise guide to the "dos and don'ts" of TI-83 programming.There were a couple of small tutorials floating around, but nothingall-inclusive. These days, with the rise of the Web forum andthe graying of the TI-83 community, it's easier to find extensivedocumentation on various individual aspects of Basic programming,but rarely in an easy-to-use, indexed format. With Version 2 of"The Compleat Basic Programmer," I hope to remedy this problem.
This guide contains many "case studies": snippets of code andthe occasional full-fledged program, all of which I believe to bebug-free. These programs are often simplified to demonstrate someapproach more concisely, but I have taken great care to optimizethem as I would if they were "real" programs for everyday use. Ihope that you, the reader, can use the case studies to learn moreabout optimization than is stated explicitly in the accompanyingtext.
A note on syntax: The TI-83 Basic code in this guide is writtenin an ASCIIfication that closely approximates the stuff you canimport into GraphLink. However, since this guide is meant to beread by humans, I've made a few changes: for example, the firstbuilt-in list is called L1 in this guide, and the unaryminus is called -, not \(-)\.
A note on scope: I have included some non-Basic trivia insection 10, including what might be seen as a segue into the worldof Z80 assembly language and a partial list of operating systemglitches that could easily grow in size to rival the Basic sectionsof this guide. This guide is still first and foremost about howto optimize Basic programs; but I decided that as long as I waswriting an all-in-one reference, I might as well include some ofthe non-Basic things I'd like to see collected in one place, too.
Because I'm familiar only with the original TI-83, I confinethis guide to that calculator only; some parts may be inaccuratewith respect to the TI-83+, Silver Edition, TI-84+, and othermodels in the TI-83 family. (For example, section 10.2 does notmention the TI-83+ command "Asm(", and section 1.1 does notmention the TI-84+ timer functions.)
Without further ado, the guide!
I do most of my program editing directly on the TI-83, usingthe built-in program editor; however, for large programs, I oftenfind that I want an environment with faster scrolling and theability to keep more than one screenful of code in view at once.In those cases, I turn to TI's GraphLink software, which is ratherpainful to edit large amounts of code with, but does let me scrollto the right part quickly, and lets me transfer the program backand forth between TI-83 and PC for testing.
When a program has complicated control flow, I typically exportit into a plain text file and indent it by hand in a regular texteditor to keep track of matching Then-End pairs.
I usually keep two copies of a work-in-progress on my calculator:one "stable" version and one "experimental" copy, whose nameusually begins with A or AA to give it a shortcut in the PRGM->EXECmenu. At some point, then, I need to rename the experimental copy.This can be done in at least two ways:
Create a new program with the new title. Hit 2nd-Rcl, then PRGM->EXEC and select the old program's title. Hit Enter twice; the old program's text will be pasted into the new program. (The old program can then be deleted.) This also works to "paste" program text into the middle of existing programs; the new text is always inserted, and "pushes down" the text that follows it, instead of overwriting that text.
However, you may not have enough RAM to make two copies of some large programs. To rename a large program, you will need to transfer the program to GraphLink on a PC, change its name there, and transfer it back.
Now, before I explain ways to make your programs smaller andmore efficient, it's worth explaining how to tell whether they'resmaller or more efficient!
To find out how much RAM a program takes up, press 2nd-Mem andselect Delete, then Prgm. You'll see a list of all the programs onyour calculator, along with their sizes in RAM. Do not press "Enter"at this point — that will delete a program! Instead, press "Clear"to get back to the home screen.
A Basic program on the TI-83 takes up 6 bytes of header, plus onebyte for each character in the name, plus however many bytes of codeit contains. It's generally not worth obfuscating the name of theprogram to save memory; besides, if you name your program "A", itwill conflict with the other dozen programs whose programmers hadthe same "clever" idea. Give your programs good, descriptive, uniquenames, and make up for the extra byte or two in the compactness ofthe code itself.
I know of no royal road to finding out how fast a program is.Intuition and good use of Stop, Disp, and the On button will giveyou some idea of the places your code is spending most of itstime. Once you have identified a bottleneck, make a copy of theoffending code and start changing it to see whether you can speedit up. There is sometimes a tradeoff between speed and size.
To time a piece of code, I generally just watch the "progressindicator" in the upper right corner of the display, and counthow many "ticks" it takes until the code finishes; that's howthe timings in this guide were recorded.
If a piece of code runs in less than one tick, then obviouslythe thing to do is run it many times together — either bycutting-and-pasting the code, or by putting it in a For loop,or both. See sections 3.3 and 9.6 for details on the timingprocedures in this guide.
The Basic language contains a lot of "optional" elements: onesthat aren't really needed to make your program work, and can evenslow it down. These "optional" elements are called "syntacticsugar" by computer programmers, because they make the syntaxlook prettier without adding any nutritional value.
In general, you should trim away all the syntactic sugar youcan. Here are all the sugar-filled areas of TI-83 Basic:
Arithmetic. Write "64" instead of "4^3".
Algebra. Write "X-Y-Z" instead of "X-(Y+Z)".
Implied multiplication. Never, ever use the * sign for multiplication! Write "AB" instead of "A*B". (Note that implied multiplication does not bind tighter than regular multiplication and division. 1/2A is .5A, and not the same as 1/(2A).)
Arithmetic instead of logic. TI-83 Basic, like C and many similar programming languages, uses the values 1 and 0 for "true" and "false" respectively. The value of "X>1" is 1 if X is greater than 1, and 0 otherwise. Thus, you can write "If XY" instead of "If X and Y". (But see section 9.6 for information on the relative speed of multiplication.)
Remove closing parentheses, braces, and quotation marks. Write "[[0,1][1,0" instead of "[[0,1][1,0]]".
The "STO>" character "→" automatically closes quotes, parentheses, brackets, and braces behind it. Write "expr(Str1→L1(I" instead of "expr(Str1)→L1(I)". (Note that this means it is impossible to put a "→" character inside a string. See section 7.3.)
The colon ":" closes parentheses, brackets, and braces, but NOT quotes. (Thus it is possible to put a colon inside a string.)
Use the e^( key rather than e ^, the squared-sign key rather than ^2, the superscript-3 character rather than ^3, and the 10^( key rather than its constituent parts. (These optimizations improve speed as well as size.)
The small-E exponentiation character should be substituted for 10^( whenever possible. It works only with integer powers. If nothing is put before the E, the interpreter treats it as 1 times ten-to-the-whatever. Write "E2" instead of "100", "E3" instead of "1000", and so on. ("E2" is actually faster than "100" when tested inside a loop, so there's no speed penalty.)
The "DelVar" command needs no colon or newline after it. Write "DelVar A0→B" instead of "DelVarA:0→B". (This can have side effects; see section 2.1. For more on DelVar, see section 3.3.)
User-defined lists often don't need the "L". Write "{1→A" instead of "{1→LA" to store a list into LA. The value of the scalar variable A will not be affected. (For more on the interchangeability of lists and scalars, see section 7.2.)
Not all string characters are created equal. Many of the lower-case characters accessible through the Catalog or the Statistics menus, [VARS][5], really take up two bytes in the calculator's RAM. Thus, while lower-case letters can look nice in Basic programs, there is a cost to using them: your program will take up more memory. (Fewer than half the available characters and functions on the TI-83 are accessible through the Catalog. Take the time to browse the [VARS] menus and see what's there.)
When displaying long text messages (as in help screens), there is no difference in size between
:Disp "HELLO :Disp "WORLDand:Disp "HELLO","WORLDThis is a purely stylistic choice. I tend to prefer the latter.However, there is a way to save space on multi-screen paused messages; write
:Disp "HELLO :Pause "WORLDinstead of:Disp "HELLO","WORLD :PauseThis optimization saves two bytes, but has one side effect. The optimized version also stores "WORLD" into Ans, while the unoptimized version does not affect Ans.Section 2. Control flow.
A lot of people use Basic's control structures — If, For,and so on — without actually understanding how they work. Ifyou are going to squeeze every last drop of performance out ofyour program, it is very important that you understand yourtools.
For example, it is useful to know that Basic's "For" loopstores its upper bound and increment on the stack, rather thanre-evaluating them each time. Thus, the program
:10→B:5→C :For(A,1,B,C :2→B :-1→C :Disp {A,B,C :Endloops over the "Disp" command only twice before exiting. (Seesection 3.2 for the same advice about "IS>(".) This also meansthat to loop exactly N times, one can write:For(N,1,N :Disp N :EndThe upper bound is evaluated only once, before N is set to 1for the first iteration of the loop.Subsection 2.1. Modes of control flow.
The TI-83 Basic interpreter has at least three distinct"modes" in which it moves around in your program's code. I willcall these modes "execution," "skipping," and "jumping."
The "execution" mode is the ordinary one, in which theinstruction pointer moves forward over the code, one token ata time, executing whatever code it finds. Suppose it finds thecommand "If 0:Then". Since the condition is false, theinterpreter will change modes — it will enter "skipping" mode.
In "skipping" mode, the interpreter skips down the program'slisting, line by line (where a "line" is begun with a colon),until it finds a line beginning with the token it's lookingfor (which may be "Else", "End", or "Lbl", depending on thecontext). As soon as it finds that token, it returns to executionmode.
It's very important to realize that if the token is in themiddle of a line, the interpreter will skip right over it!
Suppose the interpreter is in the middle of executing a "For"loop. When it sees the terminating "End", it will evaluate theloop condition, and, if the loop should continue, it will enterthe third mode: "jumping" mode. In this mode, no tokens areactually parsed — the instruction pointer simply jumps forwardor backward in the code to a location it had stored (on a stack)when it executed the "For" command.
"Jumping" mode is only used by "For", "While", and "Repeat"commands. "Goto", "IS>(", and "DS<(" all use "skipping" mode.
You can figure out whether control flow is in "jumping" or"skipping" mode by seeing how the program reacts when you insert"DelVar X" (or any variable) immediately before the controlstructure's target. (See section 1.2.)
:DelVar XLbl A :Goto B :Disp "JUMPING :Lbl B :Goto A :Lbl A :Disp "SKIPPINGThis program displays "SKIPPING", proving that the interpreterdoesn't remember the location of the "Lbl A" in line 1, whichit encountered while in execution mode. Instead of jumping rightback to that label, it searches from the top of the program,looking for a line that begins with "Lbl A". The DelVar hidesthe "Lbl A" on line 1 from the interpreter's skipping mode.
Subsection 2.2. Replacing "If" with arithmetic.
Increments and decrements with simple conditionals don't needthe "If" command. Instead of
:If A=15:B+1→Bwrite:B+(A=15→Band the program will be two bytes shorter and run faster. Thisidiom leads to a common snippet, illustrated as part of thefollowing program that moves an "X" around the home screen untilthe user presses "Clear"::DelVar K4→A:8→B :Repeat K=45 :Output(A,B,"_ :A-(K=25 and A>1)+(K=34 and A<8→A :B-(K=24 and B>1)+(K=26 and B<16→B :Output(A,B,"X :Repeat Ans:getKey→K:End :End(The "_" on line 3 indicates a space.)Subsection 2.3. Comparison of "If:Then" and "If".
Every programmer should know that it is possible to write
:If X :Disp "XYZZYinstead of the more verbose:If X:Then :Disp "XYZZY :EndIt should not surprise you to learn that the former program,being shorter, runs faster when the condition X is true.However, it may surprise you that the former program takes muchlonger to execute than the latter when X is false!"If X:Y" takes much longer than "If X:Then:Y:End" when the bodyis skipped; it takes a little less time when the body is notskipped.
Curiously, some conditions involving pxlTest( run much fasteroutside of a control structure's condition. See the end ofsection 9.6 for a surprising example.
Subsection 2.4. Loop hacks.
Reversing the sense of a loop test can save space. For example,write
:Repeat Q :getKey=105→Q ... :Endinstead of:0→Q :While not(Q :getKey=105→Q ... :EndThis optimization illustrates the two differences between "While"and "Repeat": the first is that their conditions have oppositesemantics ("while true" versus "repeat until true"), and thesecond is that the "Repeat" loop always executes its body atleast once.To save one byte of storage, replace
:For(I,9,0,-1 :Horizontal I :Endwith the reversed loop:For(I,0,9 :Horizontal 9-I :EndIt is also possible to condense If structures with loops. Forexample, we save six bytes by replacing the somewhat unlikelyconstruction
:If not(B:Then :For(I,0,99 :Horizontal I :End:Endwith:For(I,1,E2not(B :Horizontal I :EndSection 3. Advanced control flow.
This section deals with the less commonly used built-in controlstructures of TI-83 Basic, such as Goto and IS>(.
Subsection 3.1. Lbl, Goto, and Menu(.
As mentioned in section 2.1, the "Goto" command uses "skipping"mode to search for its target "Lbl". It always searches the programfrom top to bottom, so earlier "Lbl" commands will be found first.(Duplicate "Lbl" commands are useless.)
The "Menu(" command also uses "skipping" mode, also searchingfrom top to bottom. Control flowing out of a menu behaves exactlythe same as control flowing out of a Goto.
Subsection 3.2. IS>( and DS<(
The "increment and skip if greater" and "decrement and skip iflesser" commands are extremely rarely used, for several reasons.The main reason is that they're obscurely named and buried at thebottom of the program menu; but one might be excused for thinkingthat they must be pretty efficient, or else why devote specialcommands to them?
One would be wrong. IS>( and DS<( are slow compared to the moreverbose combination of "→" and "If". Almost three times as slow,in fact. So their disuse is justified — never use IS>( or DS<(for their intended purpose if speed is what you want!
However, the commands are sometimes smaller. You can save onebyte by replacing
:A-1→Awith:DS<(A,0as long as A is guaranteed to remain non-negative (meaning thejump never happens); and you can save four bytes by replacing:A+1→A :If 0:Endwith:IS>(A,A:EndThis optimization illustrates one of the amusing properties ofthe increment operators: Like "For", they evaluate their secondparameter before performing the increment. Therefore, "IS>(A,A)"will always jump, and so will "DS<(A,A)".Even more oddly, the increment operators check their firstparameter for existence before evaluating (and thereby bringinginto existence) their second. Whereas
:DelVar A0→B :IS>(B,A:Endruns without complaint (because B exists),:DelVar A0→B :IS>(A,B:Endproduces "ERR:UNDEFINED"! (See also section 3.3.)If the effect of the jump would be to run off the end of theprogram (for example, if the ":End" were removed from the firstprogram above), the result will be "ERR:SYNTAX", whether or notthe jump is actually taken.
Subsection 3.3. Comparison of "DelVar" and "0→".
In the first version of this guide, I recommended the use of"DelVar A" over "0→A" in all cases; since then, my positionhas picked up a few nuances. The two-byte "DelVar" command isoften no smaller than "0→"; it is often slower; and it haspitfalls for the unwary. Still, it has its place in optimization.
The DelVar command is sometimes smaller. As mentioned insection 1.2, the "DelVar" command doesn't need a terminatingnewline or colon, so we can replace
:0→A:0→B:0→Cwith:DelVar ADelVar B0→CThe latter program is two bytes smaller than the former.The DelVar command is sometimes faster, sometimes slower. Itsbehavior is practically the opposite of "0→" — if variableA does already exist, then "0→A" simply stores a value, while"DelVar A" performs garbage collection, which takes a long time.But if variable A does not exist, then "0→A" performs memorymanagement, while "DelVar A" does nothing.
I haven't figured out how to get exact timings for the two"interesting" cases, but the following table may be helpful:
We use the program Let W := DelVar, variable exists :For(A,1,800 X := DelVar, does not exist <code here> Y := 0→, exists :End Z := 0→, does not exist with various code snippets, as indicated. We observe the following timings, in seconds, and using "H" to indicate the overhead of the For loop: X+H = 4 Z+W+Y+H = 22 Y+H = 6 Z+X+W+H = 21 Z+W+H = 19 Solving the system (and fudging for measurement error) gives us X = 1.5, Y = 3, W+Z = 16. Therefore, "DelVar" when the variable already does not exist is twice as fast as "0→" when the variable already exists; and at least one of the other two possibilities is at least 2.5 times worse than that, but we can't tell which.Finally, there are some pitfalls to using DelVar. In mostcontexts, if you try to evaluate a non-existent scalar variableon the TI-83, it will be silently created and initialized tozero. For example:
:DelVar A :Disp Aprints "0". However, there are some exceptions to this rulewhich can trip up the unwary programmer who relies on DelVarto clear variables:The "For" command expects its counter variable to exist each time the loop's "End" is reached.
The "IS>(" and "DS<(" commands expect their first parameter to exist. (See section 3.2.)
Subsection 3.4. Comparison of "DelVar" and "ClrList".
The TI-83 also provides a command called "ClrList", accessiblevia the Catalog. "ClrList L1" behaves like "0→dim(L1", exceptthat it also detaches any formula that had been attached to L1.(As detailed in section 6.1, "0→dim(L1" has no effect if L1is pinned to a formula.)
As with "0→dim(L1", ClrList doesn't completely delete thelist. It leaves behind a useless zero-element list, which takesup 9 bytes in RAM.
ClrList requires a real list name; "ClrList A" is a syntax error,not a synonym for "ClrList LA". (See section 7.2.) ClrListtakes one byte fewer than DelVar, although that advantage goesaway if the colon after DelVar is removed. All in all, I findthere is no reason to prefer ClrList — use DelVar instead.
Section 4. Subroutines.
One of the most important ways modern programming differs fromprogramming as it was in the long-distant past is that modernprogrammers make a lot of use of subroutines; that is, smallerprograms that fit together to make up a coherent whole.
For example, if I were writing a poker game, I would need todisplay a lot of cards to the screen. I could write down somecode to display one card, and then cut-and-paste it into everysituation in which I needed a card displayed; but that would betiresome, and it would also bloat the program with a lot ofduplicated code. A better solution is to write the code only once,and then package it as a subroutine using one of the followingthree methods.
These methods all have different advantages and disadvantages,which I will try to make clear. Which method you choose willdepend on your particular circumstances.
Before getting into the details of implementing subroutines,let's stop to consider your options when it comes to temporarystorage. Subprograms, especially external ones, are often inneed of temporary variables that are "safe" (that contain nodata from the main program). For reasonably safe variables, try:
- The italic \n\, on the independent-variable key.
- delta-X and -Y, and XFactor/YFactor (and other window- and zoom-menu variables).
- Theta is a good counter variable for loops.
- X and Y. These two variables are overwritten by some graphing commands, including "ClrDraw" and many operations involving Y-vars (Y1, Y2,...). Thus, the user should never expect that a program won't overwrite these variables, and you should feel free to use them — except when you're trying to use graphing commands too!
- You can create a new user-defined list, such as LA or LMYPRG, and use the list elements as temporary storage. Many calculator RPGs store status information in a list, and some games keep a high-score list on the calculator this way even when the game itself isn't running.
- Ans. See section 4.5.
Subsection 4.1. External subroutines.
"External subroutines" are the simplest kind of subroutine:separate programs that are called from within the main program.To call another program, use its name; to return from a calledprogram, execute a "Return" command or simply "fall off thebottom" of the program. Here's an example, using code fromsections 2.2 and 5.2 to let the user manipulate a smiley-facesprite on the graphics screen:
prgmMANIP :10→A:Ans→B :Repeat K=45 :A-2(K=25)+2(K=34→A :B-2(K=24)+2(K=26→B :prgmZSMILEY :Repeat Ans:getKey→K:End :prgmZSMILEY :EndprgmZSMILEY :"101000000100010111→Str1 :1 :While Ans :Pxl-Change(A+int(.2Ans),B+5fPart(.2Ans :inString(Str1,"1",Ans+1 :End :ReturnThe external subroutine prgmZSMILEY draws the sprite on thescreen, and prgmMANIP calls that subroutine twice: once to drawthe sprite and once to erase it.You can pass information to external subroutines in essentiallytwo different ways. In that example, we passed the player's X andY coordinates in the variables A and B, so variables are one wayto pass information — and certainly the most common! However,we can also pass information in the "Ans" pseudo-variable. Thisusually costs some extra space in the subroutine, but it can savesome space and time in the calling program: we can write
:0:prgmZHELPERinstead of:0→A:prgmZHELPERWhole lists of parameters can be passed in "Ans", too::{1,2,3,4,5:prgmZHELPERSubsection 4.2. Recursion.
The next logical step from the last section is to ask, "Well,if we can call other programs from within our main program, canwe also call our main program itself?" The answer is "yes,"TI-83 Basic programs can make use of recursion.
It is generally a bad idea to try to use unbounded recursionin Basic, because your programs will run out of memory. Forexample,
prgmBADIDEA :Disp "GUESS MY NUMBER :Prompt P :"LOSE! :If P=7:"WIN! :Disp "YOU "+Ans :Input "PLAY AGAIN? ", Str0 :If "Y"=sub(Str0,1,1 :prgmBADIDEAIf you play this game long enough, it will crash with the message"ERR:MEMORY". It runs out of memory because each recursive callopens a new "stack frame," a hidden data structure in thecalculator's RAM that costs approximately 16 bytes. If yourcalculator has 1600 bytes of free RAM, you won't be able toanswer "Y" to prgmBADIDEA's prompt more than 100 times beforeseeing a memory error.This is why unbounded recursion is a bad idea. However, if youcan ensure that your program never recurses more than once ortwice before returning and closing the open stack frames, youwill find recursion a very useful tool. See, for example, thevery next part of this guide: section 4.3.
As a side note to the above, it is generally good practice neverto use the "Stop" command. If you can manipulate the program sothat a normal termination is a "fall off the end", good for you;you saved two bytes. If not, use the "Return" command instead of"Stop", as it helps if you later want to execute the program froma shell.
Subsection 4.3. Internal subroutines.
Consider the following reworking of prgmMANIP fromsection 4.1.
prgmMANIPR :If \pi\=Ans:Then :"101000000100010111→Str1:1 :While Ans :Pxl-Change(A+int(.2Ans),B+5fPart(.2Ans :inString(Str1,"1",Ans+1 :End :Return :End :10→A:Ans→B :Repeat K=45 :A-2(K=25)+2(K=34→A :B-2(K=24)+2(K=26→B :\pi\:prgmMANIPR :Repeat Ans:getKey→K:End :\pi\:prgmMANIPR :EndThe external subroutine prgmZSMILEY has been tacked onto thefront of the main program, and shielded from it by the lines:If \pi\=Ans:Then ... :EndNotice that whenever prgmMANIPR recursively calls itself, itsets Ans equal to pi; however, it's unlikely that the userwould set Ans to pi before running the program. (And even ifhe did that once by accident, the program would just draw onesmiley and then stop; if he ran the program again from thatpoint, it would work normally again. If you use internalsubroutines, it's a good idea to tell your users that, ina README file, so they don't get confused this way.)Now, some caveats: If we try running
:{1,2,3:prgmMANIPRthe program tries to compare a list to a scalar and then branchon the resulting list, which isn't meaningful in Basic. So we see"ERR:DATA TYPE" and the program crashes. This is more problematic!We can fix this little glitch by changing the first line to:If \pi\=Ans(1:ThenIf "Ans" is a list, then "Ans(1)" is the first element of thatlist. If "Ans" is a scalar, then "Ans(1)" is simply "Ans" timesthe constant 1. Either way, the result is a scalar, and theexpression type-checks. Again, we're relying on the assumptionthat the user won't be calculating with pi right before runningour program.I know of no general-purpose expression that will handle notonly lists and scalars, but strings and matrices too. Therefore,internal subroutines are very fragile and should be used withcare.
The major advantage of internal subroutines is that the wholeprogram resides in a single file. Therefore, the user's programmenu isn't cluttered, and only one file needs to be transferredin order to give the program to someone else.
Subsection 4.4. "Gosub" with Goto and End.
Most computer Basic languages have a command named "Gosub"which acts like calling an external subroutine in TI-83 Basic,but instead of jumping to the top of some other program, jumpsto a label within the main program itself. Returning from theinternal subroutine (via the command "Return", naturally) returnsthe instruction pointer to the line following the original "Gosub".
TI-83 Basic isn't that sophisticated. However, we can use whatit provides to simulate "Gosub" in at least two ways, besidesthe simplistic "internal subroutine" method of section 4.3.
First, if our subroutine is called from only a few places(which is generally the case), we can write something as simpleas
:Disp "MAIN PROGRAM :0→T:Goto S :Lbl 0 :Disp "MAIN AGAIN :1→T:Goto S :Lbl 1 :Disp "BACK IN MAIN :Stop :Lbl S :Disp "IN SUBROUTINE :If T:Goto 1 :Goto 0This is simple, and since it doesn't use any control structuresexcept Lbl and Goto, it's easy to "plug into" any existingprogram without lots of confusion about which "End" matches upto which "If".That method is perfectly satisfactory for all practicalpurposes. However, let's consider an impractical purpose: Supposewe want to call our internal subroutine from more than 1406places in the program! (1406 is 37+37×37, the number of labelsavailable in Basic. Labels can be composed of one or twocharacters, and those characters can be A–Z, 0–9, or θ.)
In that case, we must fall back on a less-than-elegant controlflow hack.
:Disp "MAIN PROGRAM :For(L,-1,0:If L:Goto S:End :Disp "MAIN AGAIN :For(L,-1,0:If L:Goto S:End :Disp "BACK IN MAIN :Stop :Lbl S :Disp "IN SUBROUTINE :End :Disp "N.B.When we want to call the subroutine, we invoke a "For" loop,which executes exactly twice. (The subroutine had better notmodify L!) On the first iteration, we "Goto" the subroutine,and at the end of the subroutine encounter the "End" thatsends us back to the top of the loop where we began. Thesecond iteration of the loop does nothing, and at the end ofthat iteration we drop out of the bottom of the loop andcontinue executing in the main program.(Just one iteration of the "For" loop wouldn't be enough;we'd drop out of the loop at the location marked "N.B." in theprogram. For the same reason, we can't simply use a "Repeat 1"loop, or "While F" where the subroutine sets F to zero, or anysimilar such trick — they all fail to return to the rightlocation in the main program.)
Perhaps surprisingly, the two methods take exactly the sameamount of memory — the "labels" method actually takes more, iftwo-character labels are involved! And the "for-loop" methodshould generally be more efficient, since its return journeyis taken in "jumping" mode instead of "skipping" mode. Thus,the "for-loop" method may be preferable in many cases.
However, there is a major pitfall with the "for-loop" method!Once the loop has been started, there's no way to get that "End"off the interpreter's stack. Therefore, the following programhas a bug.
prgmSUBBUG :While 1 :Lbl C :Disp "ENTER A NUMBER :For(L,-1,0:If L:Goto S:End :Ans→A :Disp "ANOTHER NUMBER :For(L,-1,0:If L:Goto S:End :Ans→B :" NOT_ :If A=B:"_ :Disp "YOUR NUMBERS","ARE"+Ans+"EQUAL :End :Stop :Lbl S :Prompt N:N :If Ans\>=\0:End :Disp "NO NEGATIVE","NUMBERS PLEASE :Goto CThe programmer intends "Goto C" to send the control flow back tothe top of the main loop, and it does — but the interpreter isstill looking for an "End" to end the "For" loop that called thesubroutine! Therefore, the next time the program encounters the"End" that normally matches the main loop's "While 1", it assumesthat's the end of the "For" loop and continues on its way. Thenext command is a "Stop", and the program terminates. The sensible solution is to avoid using the "for-loop" methodwith complicated control flows. But a solution to this particularproblem is fairly simple.prgmSUBFIXED :While 1 :Lbl C :Disp "ENTER A NUMBER :For(L,-1,0:If L:Goto S:End :Ans→A :Disp "ANOTHER NUMBER :For(L,-1,0:If L:Goto S:End :Ans→B :" NOT_ :If A=B:"_ :Disp "YOUR NUMBERS","ARE"+Ans+"EQUAL :End :Stop :Lbl S :Prompt N:N :If Ans<0:0→L :End :Disp "NO NEGATIVE","NUMBERS PLEASE :Goto CThe fixed subroutine increments the loop control variable Lso that if the input number was negative, the subroutine's"End" causes control flow to fall out the bottom into the"No negative numbers please" message. At that point, the "For"loop's address is cleared off the interpreter's stack, andthe program behaves as it's supposed to.Subsection 4.5. Making use of Ans.
The special variable Ans can really speed up a program if usedproperly. Storing to Ans is done just like on the home screen;quote the value directly and it's automatically stored to Ans.Normal stores also store to Ans, so the getKey loop
:Repeat K:getKey→K:Endcan be replaced with:Repeat Ans:getKey→K:EndI find the latter more aesthetically pleasing, although bothsnippets have the same size and execution time.By judicious use of a list stored in "Ans" and parallel listoperations, an entire program can be created that uses nopermanent data space whatsoever. For example, consider thefollowing pi-calculating program, which expects the number ofiterations to be provided in "Ans":
prgmPI1 :DelVar S :For(L,1,Ans :S+1/(4L-3→S :S-1/(4L-1→S :End :Disp 4SIt can be rewritten without any variables by letting the firstand second elements of the new "Ans" list stand for L and S,respectively, and counting down with L instead of up:prgmPI2 :{Ans,0 :While Ans(1 :{Ans(1)-1,(4Ans(1)-3)-1-(4Ans(1)-1)-1+Ans(2 :End :Disp 4Ans(2The resulting program uses no variables (and hence erases noneof the user's own data). Readability does suffer, however, andprograms may be slightly longer or even slower with thisparticular optimization; there is a tradeoff betweenpreserving the user's data and running efficiently. (prgmPI1takes 16 ticks to do 400 iterations; prgmPI2 takes 18. prgmPI2is also 11 bytes longer.)Conversely, to store the result of an expression R into thevariable X without affecting the user's value of Ans, you canuse
:For(X,R,0 :Endif R is greater than zero, or repeat the expression if R maytake any value::For(X,R,R-1 :EndSection 5. Graphics.
Many Basic programs make use of the graphics screen, and makeuse of it poorly. However, there's no reason a well-written Basicprogram can't do graphics as well as a program written in assembly.
Efficiency starts with the right setup. Generally, any programthat uses graphics will start with the lines
:0→Xmin:1→\DeltaX\ :-62→Ymin:1→DeltaY\ :AxesOff:FnOff :PlotsOff(\DeltaX\ and \DeltaY\ are found in the Vars->Window... menu.) Thecommand "GridOff" may also be desired, but I don't put it in myown programs, since I've never had any reason to turn the grid onin the first place.Once these commands have been executed, the point (X,Y) in thecalculator's coordinates will correspond exactly to the pixel(-Y,X) on the screen. Therefore, the program can mix and matchcoordinate-relative commands such as "Pt-On" and "Line" withscreen-relative commands such as "Pxl-On" and "Text".
Whenever possible, use the "Horizontal" and "Vertical" commandsinstead of "Line"; they are faster and shorter. Unfortunately, while"Line(A,B,C,D,0)" erases the given line, there is no such "erase"feature for "Horizontal" or "Vertical".
The most efficient way of getting dark pixels onto the screenis almost always to use "Text(". See section 5.3 for anelaboration on this theme.
The next three subsections deal with "sprites," the graphicsterm for little bitmapped pictures that don't change shape, butmove around the screen or appear and disappear in differentplaces. Sprites are a big part of many games, in Basic and inassembly.
Subsection 5.1. Bitmap sprites.
The following program draws a Tetris block on the screen, usingthe "box" feature of Pt-On. The block is represented by a bitmap— literally, the bits of the integer B correspond to the boxesthat appear on the screen.
:402→B :ClrDraw :For(I,1,3 :For(J,1,3 :.5int(Ans :If fPart(Ans:Pt-On(20-3J,3I-20,2 :End :EndIn this example, 402 decimal is 110010010 binary, so the blockthat appears on the screen is shaped like this:11. .1. .1.If this example isn't clear yet, try different values for B, andsee how the bitmap changes. For example, B=341, or 101010101 binary,yields an "X".Bitmap sprites are versatile — the TI-83's floating-pointnumbers can store up to 43 bits without losing precision, whichmeans you can have bitmaps that are 6 pixels by 7 pixels! Ifyou're dealing with bitmaps that big, though, you will probablyfind the following program useful:
prgmBITCNVT :Disp "ENTER BITMAP :Input "> ",Str0 :0:For(A,1,length(Str0 :2Ans+expr(sub(Str0,A,1 :End :Disp AnsThe main problem with bitmap sprites is that they're very slowto display. No matter whether you use Pt-On or Pxl-On (or Lineor Text) to turn on the pixels, you still have to loop over thebitmap, dividing by 2 at each iteration, and that takes time.
Subsection 5.2. Bitmaps using "inString(".
"Axcho" describes an interesting variation on the bitmap themethat doesn't require so many explicit loops:
:"110010010→Str1 :ClrDraw :inString(Str1,"1",1 :While Ans :Pt-On(20+9fPart(Ans/3),-20-3int(Ans/3),2 :inString(Str1,"1",Ans+1 :EndHere, the "While" loop only iterates four times, once for eachof the 1 bits in the bitmap. The other five of the originalbitmap code's loops are done inside the "inString" function.The problem with this method is that it must do extracalculation to figure out where to plot each point — the"fPart" and "int" expressions are not cheap. Therefore, whilethe running time of the original code was dominated by theloop overhead, this code's running time gets worse and worseas more "on" pixels are added to the sprite.
For 3x3 sprites, the two methods perform approximately thesame when the sprite has three "on" pixels; the string-basedmethod is better for one or two pixels and worse for more.
For 5x5 sprites, the two methods perform approximately thesame when the sprite has eight or nine "on" pixels.
Subsection 5.3. Textsprites.
(The name "textsprites" is due to "Axcho".)
As mentioned before, the most efficient way of getting darkpixels onto the screen is generally to use "Text(". Therefore,it makes sense to look for a way of encoding arbitrary bitmapsin "Text(" commands. Textsprites is just such a method.
Consider the following program to draw a user-specifiedsuit symbol (diamonds, hearts, clubs, or spades) on the graphscreen:
:Prompt S :"-:):- " :If not(S:"'\^2\S\^2\' " :If S=1:"eQ[Qe " :If S=2:"e([(e " :ClrDraw :For(A,1,length(Ans :Text(1,1+A,sub(Ans,A,1 :EndEach of the characters in the "Ans" string encodes a verticalbar of five pixels. Thus, any 5-by-N sprite can be encoded injust N characters, and drawn with lightning speed, as long asthere exist characters with the right pixels along theirright-hand margins.The following table is a complete listing of characters on theTI-83, indexed by textsprites value:
00000 (space) \-\ \^3root\ \dot\ 00001 . , 00010 \cross\ \sqrt\ 00011 / J \DeltaX\ 00100 { < - + \^-1\ 00101 00110 a c d e \sigma x\ 00111 \box\ 01000 ^ \pi\ 01001 S 1 z \<=\ \n\ gcd( 01010 : * = \!=\ 01011 01100 v \degrees\ 01101 s 01110 ( C G 0 θ w 01111 A 6 \10^(\ n p \p-hat\ r u L min( fpart( 10000 T ? \ln(\ \^T\ 10001 ) ] } > I 3 \Sigma x\ 10010 \^2\ \^3\ 10011 Z 2 7 10100 \^xroot\ 10101 \xbar\ \ybar\ \>=\ 10110 10111 i invNorm( 11000 Y 11001 11010 \chi^2\ 11011 X 11100 ' V 4 " 11101 ! 5 9 11110 Q t \^r\ 11111 [ B E F H K L M N O P R U W 8 b E \>Dec\ \F\ \N\Notice that four rows are empty. (The 00101, 10110, and 11001 arefilled in by c-cedilla, e-grave, and I-circumflex, respectively,on the TI-83+, but even on the TI-83+ there is reportedly no wayto achieve 01011.) To obtain those columns of pixels, you wouldhave to supplement the normal textsprites routine with a few callsto Pxl-On or Pxl-Off.Besides the unobtainable pixel columns, another disadvantageof the textsprites method is that it requires one or two(for 11010, as many as seven!) "scratch" columns to the rightof the sprite, which will get overwritten with garbage and thenerased with spaces when the sprite is completely drawn. One wayto use textsprites in "close quarters" without having the garbageoverwrite important screen data is to use StorePic:
prgmTSPIC :ClrDraw :Pxl-On(1,1:Pxl-On(1,7 :Pxl-On(7,1:Pxl-On(7,7 :StorePic 1 :"-:):- " :For(A,1,length(Ans :Text(1,1+A,sub(Ans,A,1 :End :RecallPic 1Try the above program with and without the RecallPic command.Without RecallPic, one of the pixels around the diamond spriteis erased by the sprite's garbage columns and never redrawn.Recalling the saved picture redraws the missing pixels correctly.Subsection 5.4. Plotsprites.
Another method of displaying sprites is to put the coordinatesof the sprite's pixels in a couple of lists, and set up ascatterplot of them. Drawing the scatterplot will draw thesprite; and, conveniently, the TI-83 automatically redrawsscatterplots when any change is made to the graph screen.
Examine the following program, which uses complex arithmeticto move and spin a "spaceship" sprite on the screen. The complexnumber J represents the ship's offset, and the integer Rrepresents its rotation in quarter-turns. The sprite's ten pixelsare stored in the complex list L1, and pulled into the real listsL2 and L3 when it's time to update the sprite.
prgmPLOTSPRT :{-2-2i,-2i,2-2i,-1-i,1-i,-1,1,-1+i,1+i,2i→L1 :Plot1(Scatter,L2,L3,\dot\ :47→Xmax:-Ans→Xmin :31→Ymax:-Ans→Ymin :AxesOff:ClrDraw :DelVar J0→R :Repeat K=45 :real(2J+i^RL1→L2 :imag(2J+i^RL1→L3 :Pt-Off(E7,0 :Repeat Ans:getKey→K:End :i(K=25)-i(K=34)+(K=26)-(K=24 :J+i^RAns→J :R+(K=21→R :EndPlotsprites are generally very slow, but might be moreconvenient than the alternatives in some cases. Their othermajor disadvantage is that any use of plotsprites necessarilyoverwrites at least one stat plot and at least two lists.
Subsection 5.5. Screen scrolling with "sub(".
(This method is due to Basicoderz. They used it to great effect inthe side-scrolling bomber game WAR2.)
prgmSUBSCROL :"THIS IS A TEST_ :Ans+Ans+Ans :Ans+Ans→Str1 :1→I :While 1 :I+1-80(I=80→I :Output(1,1,sub(Str1,1+int(.5Ans),16)+sub(Str1,1+int(Ans/3),16 :EndSection 6. List and matrix operations.
Existing lists and matrices get truncated when the programstores into an expression involving "dim("; non-existingstructures get created and zeroed automatically. Therefore,explicit zeroing of most structures is unnecessary.
However, note that resizing a matrix by assigning to "dim("takes much longer than simply assigning values to an existingmatrix, and garbage-collecting an existing matrix takes aboutas long as the "Fill(" command. The best way to resize andzero a matrix which may or may not already exist is thereforeto delete and reallocate it:
For iters Reps Code Ticks Bytes 800 1 DelVar [A]{A,B→dim([A] 19 13 800 1 {A,B→dim([A]:Fill(0,[A] 19 15 800* 1 [[0→[A]:{A,B→dim([A] 110* 16(The starred* line was performed 160 times and the resultingtime multiplied by 5. As you can see, resizing a matrix twiceinside a loop is a terrible idea.)Subsection 6.1. List equations.
It is possible to assign a string to a list. This has theeffect of associating that string with the list as an equation,similar to a spreadsheet formula.
:"L1\^2\→L2 :{1,2,3→L1 :Disp L2 :{4,5,6→L1 :Disp L2A list which has been "pinned" in this way will show up in the[STAT]->Edit... display with a bullet next to its name (whichthe manual calls a "formula-lock symbol").Assigning a new value to a "pinned" list, or assigning itthe empty string
:"→L2will "unpin" its formula. One amusing aspect of pinned listsis that changing their dimensions has no effect — given L2pinned as above to a three-element list, "2→dim(L2)" willset Ans to 2, but have absolutely no effect on the dimensionor value of L2!Subsection 6.2. Matrix operations.
In certain cases, a 2-by-n matrix can be replaced with a listof complex numbers, where the real part represents column 1 andthe imaginary part column 2. This technique might save space, orit might not, but it does let you create and delete your own datastructures, rather than overwriting one of the ten named matrices[A] through [J].
The TI-83's matrix operations can be very useful, though. Therow+(, *row(, and *row+( functions let you quickly compute linearcombinations of matrix rows (and, in combination with the "matrixtranspose" operator, columns). The randM( function lets you createa random matrix, and the functions Matr>list( and List>matr( letyou convert between list and matrix representations, with a bit ofdifficulty.
Subsection 6.3. Hunt the Wumpus dungeon generation.
The abilities to shuffle lists (see section 9.3) and to convertlists into matrices are at the heart of the game "Hunt theWumpus", in which the "dungeon" is laid out with rooms at thevertices of a regular dodecahedron. In this pared-down example,we'll have only eight rooms, at the vertices of a cube. (Theoriginal 20-vertex code comes from my game WUMPUSR, availableon
:seq(X,X,1,8→D :Ans+1→L1 :Ans-2→L2 :rand(8→L3 :SortA(L3,LD :1→L1(8 :8→L2(1 :{4,7,6,1,8,3,2,5→L3 :For(X,1,8 :LD(L1(X→L1(X :LD(L2(X→L2(X :LD(L3(X→L3(X :End :SortA(LD,L1,L2,L3 :List>matr(L1,L2,L3,[D]This code snippet sets up the adjacency matrix [D], whichis an 8x3 matrix whose entries [D](I,1), [D](I,2), and [D](I,3)are the numbers of the rooms adjacent to room I in the dungeon.
Lines 1, 4, and 5 give LD a random permutation of thenumbers 1 through 8: the permutation by which the room labelswill be swapped around. Lines 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8 set up listsL1, L2, and L3 with the rows of the adjacency matrix, accordingto this diagram:
1------2 |\8--7/| 23456781 | | | | [D]^T is 81234567 (e.g., 1 borders 2,8,4) |/5--6\| 47618325 4------3The next step is to shuffle the room labels according to LD.The next six lines accomplish the relabeling, and the finalline puts L1, L2, and L3 into matrix [D] so the lists may beused for something else. The result is to produce a shuffledadjacency matrix; for example, if the shuffled LD were{4,7,6,1,8,3,2,5}, we'd have
7------5 |\3--8/| 74682153 | | | | [D]^T is 65827314 (e.g., 1 borders 7,6,2) |/6--4\| 21768435 1------2Subsection 6.4. Finding poker hands.
(This method is due to Chris Senez's TI-83+ program TXHOLDEM,and used in my prgmZPKEVAL, both available on
Suppose L1 contains a list of cards in a poker game, where1+iPart(L1(I)/13 represents the I'th card's face value and13fPart(L1(I)/13 represents its suit (as an integer between 0and 3 inclusive). Then the following section of code prints "ONEPAIR" if L1 contains exactly one pair of cards with matching values.
:DelVar [A]{5,14→dim([A] :For(I,1,dim(L1 :13-1L1(I :1→[A](1+int(Ans),1+int(13fPart(Ans :End :[A] :For(I,1,4 :row+(Ans,I,5 :End :Matr>list(AnsT,5,L2 :If 1=sum(L2=2)+2sum(L2>2:Disp "ONE PAIRThis method can be expanded in a systematic way to check for allsorts of poker hands. The most interesting thing about this methodis that it doesn't depend on the length of L1 — in fact, L1 isnot even consulted after the initialization of [A]. Therefore, asingle subroutine (see section 4) can be written to evaluate allkinds of poker hands, from ordinary five-card hands to the seven-and eight-card hands of stud poker.
Section 7. Input hacks.
Subsection 7.1. Comma-separated list.
:Disp "ENTER A LIST :Input "> ",Str0 :expr("{"+Str0→L1Subsection 7.2. Cheating with "Input".
As mentioned in section 1.2, it's possible to leave off the "L"when referring to a user-defined list variable. Unfortunately,this quirk of TI-83 Basic opens a loophole in some game programsthat rely on "Input" or "Prompt" to get values from the user.Consider the following (somewhat contrived) program:
prgmFLAWED :randInt(0,9→G :G→S :Disp "GUESS MY NUMBER :Prompt G :"YOU LOSE! :If G=S:"YOU WIN! :Disp AnsIt is possible to "win" every time simply by entering a listsuch as {1,2,3} at the prompt, instead of a single number.(Entering a string also works, as implied by section 6.1; thestring will become associated with LG.)There is no elegant way to keep the user from "cheating" likethis. The only options are to write the program so that anytrickery will only hurt the player (for example, by setting theinput variable to a value representing "invalid" before invoking"Input" or "Prompt"); or to eschew "Input" and "Prompt" altogether.
Subsection 7.3. Illegal string characters.
It is impossible to write a program that stores → or "(the quote character) into a string.
However, it is possible for the user to enter a quotecharacter as part of a string via the "Input" command! If theuser does that, nothing bad happens; the string simply containsa quote character. You can even apply "expr(" to the string andget back a string, if the quotes match up.
Subsection 7.4. The empty string.
***WARNING!*** This section contains programs which will clear your TI-83's memory! Do not experiment with any of this section's code unless you have recently backed up all your favorite programs to your PC!It is not possible to explicitly produce an empty list ora 0-column matrix in TI-83 Basic. However, it is possible tocreate an empty string.
:"→Str0The empty string is a strange creature. It can be assignedand displayed just like a normal string, but it has thefollowing odd behaviors (some dependent on ROM version):Command Calc, ROM v1.08 Virtual TI --------------- ---------------- ----------- length(Str0 0 Str0→Str1 Behaves normally Disp Str0 " Output(1,1,Str0 " Output(8,16,Str0 " Text(1,1,Str0 " Text(1,94,Str0 " Text(1,95,Str0 ERR:DOMAIN, as usual Str0+"X ERR:INVALID DIM "X"+Str0 ERR:INVALID DIM Str0+Str0 ERR:INVALID DIM inString(Str0,"X",1 ERR:INVALID DIM inString(Str0,"X",0 ERR:DOMAIN inString(Str0,Str0,1 ERR:INVALID DIM inString(Str0,Str0,0 ERR:DOMAIN sub(Str0,1,1 ERR:INVALID DIM sub(Str0,0,1 ERR:DOMAIN sub(Str0,1,0 ERR:DOMAIN sub(Str0,0,0 ERR:DOMAIN Str0→L1 Behaves normally; L1 is created but empty; any access produces ERR:INVALID DIM Str0→Y1 Clears Y1 Equ>String(Y1,Str1 Gives the empty string expr(" Clears the RAM ERR:INVALID "":expr(Ans Clears the RAM Hangs expr(Str0 Clears the RAM HangsTherefore, it is possible to write a TI-83 Basic programthat crashes the user's calculator and erases its memory!Needless to say, this is not a good idea, even as a prank.See section 10.3 for more on RAM-erasing crashes.
Section 8. Two-calculator communications.
(The most extensive coverage I've found of TI-83 linkprogramming is Frank Schoep's "The secret to linking twoTI83's in TI BASIC", available on as 83BSLINK.TXT.)
There's not much written about programming the TI-83's linkin Basic, and that's because very few programs have actuallybeen written to use the link port (and those that have beenwritten are often buggy or fragile). In short, the TI-83 doesn'thave much support for two-calculator programming, and thesupport it does have (the "GetCalc" command) is essentiallybroken.
The TI-83 provides three link-port commands. Two of them, Get(and Send(, are only documented for use with the CBL and CBR,specialized hardware devices used in educational settings. Thatleaves GetCalc(.
GetCalc(X), where X can be the name of any variable, sends arequest across the link attempting to receive the value of thegiven variable. If the link isn't connected, or if the othercalculator is busy, the request will fail, and X will retainits old value.
What does it mean for the other calculator to be "busy"? Ifthe progress indicator is ticking away normally, then thecalculator is busy. GetCalc requests will only succeed if theother calculator is paused; at a menu; waiting for Input orPrompt; or not running a program at all.
A successful GetCalc request will cause the requestee'scalculator to become un-paused, if it is currently paused.Consider the following pair of programs:
prgmREQR :42→A :While 1 :A→B :GetCalc(A :"SUCCESS :If A=B:"FAILURE :Disp Ans :End prgmREQEE :DelVar A :While 1 :1+A→A :Pause "ABC :Disp "DEF :EndIf prgmREQR is started running, it will display "ABC" and thenpause. When prgmREQEE starts running on the second calculator,if all goes well, prgmREQR will start spewing out alternating"ABC" and "DEF" lines, while prgmREQEE spews line after line of"SUCCESS". Terminating prgmREQEE will cause prgmREQR to startemitting "FAILURE".Section 9. Other hacks.
Subsection 9.1. Integer into string.
For small integers, the best way to convert an integer intoa string is undoubtedly
:Prompt N :sub("0123456789",N+1,1 :Disp "YOU ENTERED "+Ans+".This method should only be used with numbers under your control,since it will cause a program error (ERR:DOMAIN orERR:INVALID DIM) if you try to feed it input such as 10 or 2/3.For somewhat larger integers, a couple of variations on theabove "indexing" method exist. Obviously, you can use 'int' and'fPart' to extract each digit and convert it as above, if youknow the maximum number of digits your number may have.
:Prompt N :"YOU ENTERED_ :If int(.1N:Ans+sub("123456789",int(.1N),1 :Ans+sub("0123456789",10fPart(.1N)+1,1 :Disp Ans+".(In the above program, "_" represents a space character.Notice that while the calculator recognizes the empty stringas a valid string, it produces an ERR:INVALID DIM if you tryto concatenate anything onto it. Therefore, we must startbuilding our string with a non-empty "seed" — in this case,the whole text of our message, "YOU ENTERED...")A second variation places no limit on the number of digitsentered.
:Prompt N :{0→L1 :For(I,1,1+log(N :10fPart(.1N→L1(I :int(.1N→N :End :". :For(I,1,dim(L1 :sub("0123456789",L1(I)+1,1)+Ans :End :Disp "YOU ENTERED "+Ans(Notice that this program, as written, produces an ERR:DOMAINon the input "0". However, this is easy to patch up, either withan "If X=0:Then... Else...", or by replacing "1+log(N" with"1-2not(N)+log(N+not(N" or some such obscure expression.These methods can be adorned in various obvious ways tohandle negative numbers, numbers with a fixed number of decimalplaces, numbers in bases other than 10, and so on.
However, there is a clever way to make the calculator do thework for us, if you don't mind overwriting the user's Y-vars.
:Prompt N :{0,1→L1 :{0,N→L2 :LinReg(ax+b) Y1 :Equ>String(Y1,Str1 :Disp "YOU ENTERED "+sub(Str1,1,length(Str1)-3)+".This method uses the calculator's linear regression solver tostore a formula in Y1 which contains the number N; for example,if the user entered 42, the equation in Y1 would be "42X+0".Then we can pull out the substring before the "X" in thatstring, and we have a string representation of our originalnumber. This method automatically takes care of decimals andnegative signs.Subsection 9.2. Decimal into fraction.
(This method is due to Kenneth Hammond and Mikhail Lavrov.)
Interestingly, executing "Disp expr("X>Frac")" displays afraction on the home screen, but "Text(1,1,expr("X>Frac"))"displays a decimal. Therefore, the only way to display afraction on the graph screen is to convert it to numeratorand denominator first, and then display them independently.
:Ans→X :{1,abs(X :Repeat E-9>Ans(2 :Ans(2){1,fPart(Ans(1)/Ans(2 :End :iPart({X,1}/Ans(1 :Text(0,0,Ans(1),"/",Ans(2The last two lines are essentially equivalent to:iPart(Ans(1)-1→D :iPart(XD→NThis algorithm fails on many inputs, such as 61000/99, but itmay be useful in some applications. (For example, you couldconvert the decimal to a string using this method and anothermethod, and pick the shorter of the two results.)Subsection 9.3. Shuffling a deck of cards.
:seq(I,I,0,51→L1 :rand(52→L2 :SortA(L2,L1This code is certainly the shortest and simplest way to shufflea deck of cards, represented by a list of integers between 0 and51 inclusive. However, most of its time is spent computingrandom bits that never get used. Therefore, it is significantlyfaster to re-use different parts of the same random real numbers,like this::seq(I,I,0,51→L1 :rand(26 :augment(Ans, fPart(AnsE4→L2 :SortA(L2,L1In fact, it becomes even faster (though possibly at the costof some randomness; I have not investigated this) to performthe augmenting step twice::seq(I,I,0,51→L1 :rand(13 :augment(Ans, fPart(AnsE3 :augment(Ans, fPart(AnsE6→L2 :SortA(L2,L1This is the watershed point, though; adding yet another "augment"(with rand(8) or rand(9)) takes longer.But we can get even faster shuffles by taking the generationof random numbers into our own hands. (Of course, there'sprobably a tradeoff between speed and randomness here, as well,but I haven't noticed any problems with the following algorithmin practice, for calculator card games.)
:13→dim(L2:rand :For(I,1,13 :fPart(97Ans→L2(I :End :augment(L2,fPart(L2E3 :augment(Ans,fPart(AnsE6→L2This method takes 24 bytes more than the best of the "rand(13)"methods, but it runs slightly faster. I'd recommend the abovemethod if speed is paramount, and the "rand(13)" method otherwise.Here is a table of timings for all the operations discussedin this section. The first entry in the table is for thesorting operation alone; the other entries are for setting upthe list L2 alone, and don't include sorting.
Operation Ticks/15 iterations Bytes ----------- ------------------- ----- SortA(L2,L1 5 7 rand(52→L2 21 8 rand(26, augment 14 16 rand(13, aug x2 11 24 rand(9, aug x3+dim 13 43 rand(8, aug x3+dim 13 39 rand+loop52 12 22 rand+loop26+aug 10 40 rand+loop13+aug x2 9 48There is yet another way to speed up shuffling. Consider avideo poker game, in which at most only nine cards are shownbetween shuffles. To shuffle the whole 52-card deck before eachhand would be a waste of time. Instead, simply pick the ninecards you'll be using, and swap them to the top of the deck:
:seq(I,I,0,51→L1 :For(I,1,9 :randInt(I,52→A :L1(Ans→B :L1(I→L1(A :B→L1(I :EndSubsection 9.4. The dbd( function.
The TI-83 guidebook has this to say about the dbd( function:"Use the date function dbd( to calculate the number of daysbetween two dates using the actual-day-count method. date1 anddate2 can be numbers or lists of numbers within the range ofthe dates on the standard calendar."
By "dates," the TI-83 means decimals in the form MM.DDYYor DDMM.YY, where the Ds, Ms, and Ys stand for digits. Thecalculator's "actual-day-count method" does indeed accountfor leap years.
Because there are only two digits for the year, the dbd(function treats all dates as falling between January 1, 1950,and December 31, 2049. (In this range of years, every fourthyear is a leap year, with no exceptions.)
Subsection 9.5. Miscellaneous control flow hacks.
The following programs are self-contained snippets of codewhich can be inserted into a program without messing up theinstruction pointer's "skipping" mode (see section 2.1). The"Disp" commands tell the input conditions under which theywill be executed.
:If A:Then :Disp "A :If B:Else :Disp "not(A) or not(B) :End :If A:Then :Disp "A :If B:DelVar XElse :Disp "A and not(B) :End :If A:If B:Disp "B or not(A) :If A:DelVar XIf 0 :Disp "not(A)In the following program, the "DelVar" hides the beginningof a While loop from the interpreter's skipping mode, but thenthe "IS>(" command inserts a "While" that is seen in skippingmode but never executed, since the jump is always taken. (Thestring "A and not(B)" is never displayed unless B becomes falsewhile inside the inner loop.)
:While A :Disp "A :DelVar XWhile B :Disp "A and B :IS>(Y,Y:While 1 :End :Disp "A and not(B) :End :Disp "not(A) or not(B)Subsection 9.6. Miscellaneous timings.
(For other timing tables, see sections 2.3, 3.3, 6, and 9.3.)
The following tables compare different methods of achievingthe same goal, with timing information given. The timings weremeasured in "ticks" of the calculator's progress indicator,using programs of the form
prgmTEST :For(I,1,<For iters> :<code> :<...Reps times...> :<code> :EndThe "Bytes" column gives the size of the tested line of code,in bytes, counting the newline.For iters Reps Code Ticks Bytes 200 15 max({A,B,C 27 8 200 15 max(A,max(B,C 22 8 200 15 max(A,B:max(Ans,max(C,D 37 13 200 15 max(A,max({B,C,D 34 11 200 15 max({A,B,C,D 32 10 200 15 max(max(A,B),max(C,D 30 12 200 15 max(A,max(B,max(C,D 29 11 200 15 max(A,max(B,max(C,max(D,max(E,F 45 17 200 15 max({A,B,C,D,E,F 44 14 200 15 int(A 11* 3 200 15 iPart(A 11* 3Interestingly, "int(" performs at 10 and "iPart(" at 13when A is 1 or -1, but both perform at 11 or 12 when A ispi or -pi; it even seems that "iPart(" has a slight edge inthose cases.
200 15 -int(-A 15 16 5 200 15 iPart(A+.5 17 16 6 200 15 round(A,0 15 15 5Left-hand tests performed with A=201; right-hand testsperformed with A=pi. Notice that round(A,0) performs best;notice also that when A is negative, iPart(A+.5) is differentfrom round(A,0). -int(-A) rounds A up to the nearest wholenumber, just as int(A) rounds A down to the nearest wholenumber.
200 15 \tan^-1\(Y/X 19 85 5 19 97 200 15 angle(X+Yi 25 86 7 37 100* 200 15 \R>Ptheta\(X,Y 52 110 5 79 122*The left set of tests were performed with X=-300, Y=0; theright set were performed with X=1, Y=3. The upper set wereperformed in radian mode; the bottom set were performed indegrees mode. The two starred* tests were run with only 100loop iterations, and the times doubled.Note that the method using inverse tangent fails when (X,Y)is not in the first or third quadrant, or when X=0; the othertwo methods have no such limitation.
For iters Reps Code Ticks Bytes 50 15 int(9rand 26 4 50 15 randInt(0,8 24 6 50 15 int(99rand 26 5 50 15 randint(0,98 25 7 50 15 randint(0,E8 25 7 50 15 int(randE8 24 5 50 15 iPart(randE8 24 5 200 15 2-1X 22 4 200 15 X/2 21 4 200 15 .5X 13 4 200 15 1/L1(1 24 7 200 15 L1(1)-1 23 7 50 15 7\xroot\e^(2 38 5 50 15 7\xroot\e\^2\ 30 6 50 15 e^(2/7 20 5 200 15 X\>=\1/2 26 6 200 15 X\>=\2-1 23 5 200 15 2X\>=\1 18 5 200 15 X\>=\.5 14 5The following tests show that there is no reason to prefer> over \>=\ nor = over \!=\, and that comparisons to powersof 2 or other "round" numbers don't go any faster thancomparisons to "random" numbers.200 15 X\>=\256 14 6 200 15 X\>=\235 14 6 200 15 X\>=\0 14 4 200 15 X>255 14 6 200 15 X>234 14 6 200 15 X>0 14 4 200 15 X=42 14 5 200 15 X=0 14 4 200 15 not(X 11 3 200 15 X\!=\42 14 5 200 15 X\!=\0 14 4 200 15 not(not(X 13 4 200 15 XY 15 16 3 15 27 200 15 X and Y 16 16 4 16 16The above pair of tests was performed with X=0, Y=0(upper left); X=2, Y=2 (upper right); X=0, Y=e (lower left);and X=pi, Y=e (lower right).200 15 X xor Y 16 4 200 15 X\!=\Y 17 4The above pair of tests was performed with X and Y takingall four combinations of 0 and 1; neither computation showedany dependence on the values of the operands.100 10 X=21 or X=45 9 10 100 10 sum(X={21,45 12 10 100 10 max(X={21,45 11 10 100 10 12=abs(X-33 7 9The following pair of tests show that something surprisinghappens when pxlTest( is used in a control structure's test!50 15 If pxlTest(0,0:0 8 44 50 15 pxlTest(0,0:If Ans:0 10 8Subsection 9.7. List of single-byte tokens.
The following table lists all the tokens on the TI-83 that takeonly one byte of RAM. All other tokens take two bytes. Notably noton this list are e (the constant 2.718...); any list, matrix, orstring variables; lcm(, gcd(, randInt(, sub(, inString(, real(,expr(, SinReg, DelVar, GetCalc(, and G-T.
0123456789 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZθ ?!'".,:()[]{} \space\ \newline\ → \(-)\ Ans E L i \pi\ +-*/^=<> ≠ ≤ ≥ and or xor not( nPr nCr getKey ZStandard rand >DMS ZTrig sin(, sin-1( >Dec, >Frac ZBox cos(, cos-1( BoxPlot Zoom In tan(, tan-1( \^r\ Zoom Out sinh(, sinh-1( \degree\ ZSquare cosh(, cosh-1( \-1\ ZInteger tanh(, tanh-1( \^2\, \^3\ ZPrevious If, Then, Else \^T\ ZDecimal For, End round( ZoomStat While, Repeat pxlTest( ZoomRcl Pause augment(, Fill( ZoomSto Lbl, Goto rowSwap( Text( Return, Stop row+(, *row( FnOn, FnOff IS>(, DS<( *row+( StorePic Input, Prompt min(, max( RecallPic Disp, Output( R>Pr( StoreGDB ClrHome R>Pθ( RecallGDB Menu( P>Rx(, P>Ry( Line( Get( mean(, median( Horizontal Send( randM( Vertical SortA(, SortD( solve( Pt-On(, Pt-Off( DispTable seq( Pt-Change( PlotsOn, PlotsOff fnInt( Pxl-On(, Pxl-Off( Plot1 nDeriv( Pxl-Change( Plot2 fMin(, fMax( Shade( Plot3 prgm Circle( 1-Var Stats Radian, Degree Tangent( 2-Var Stats Normal, Sci, Eng DrawInv( LinReg(ax+b) Float, Fix DrawF QuadReg Horiz, Full int( CubicReg Func, Param abs( QuartReg Polar, Seq det( LinReg(a+bx) IndpntAuto identity( LnReg IndpntAsk dim( ExpReg DependAuto sum(, prod( PwrReg DependAsk iPart(, fPart( Med-Med \box\ \sqrt(\ ClrList \cross\ \cube-root(\ ClrTable \dot\ \xroot\ Histogram Trace ln(, log( xyLine ClrDraw e^(, 10^( ScatterSection 10. Non-Basic miscellany.
***WARNING!*** This entire section contains programs and experiments which will clear your TI-83's memory! Do not experiment with any of this section's code unless you have recently backed up all your favorite programs to your PC!Subsection 10.1. Finding your ROM version.
Pressing Alpha-S from the Mode menu (while not editing aprogram) will prepare the calculator to enter its "self-test"mode. You'll see the text "Enter Self Test? 1.O8OOO" appearon the screen — possibly with a different number in place of"1.O8OOO". That number is the ROM version of your calculator.
Pressing Enter from the "self-test" screen will clear yourcalculator's RAM. Pressing any other key (except 2nd or Alpha,which do nothing) will return you safely to the home screen.
Subsection 10.2. Hexadecimal assembly code.
It is possible to write Z80 assembly code on the calculatordirectly, in hexadecimal, if you know what you're doing and arewilling to risk a crash. The command "Send(9prgmXXX" (yes, withthe number 9 between "Send(" and the name of the program) willattempt to interpret prgmXXX as a sequence of hexadecimal digitpairs (i.e., bytes) possibly separated by newlines. The bytesare directly interpreted as Z80 machine code, so you must knowwhat you're doing if you expect anything useful to happen (andwant your RAM to stay uncorrupted).
Following the hexadecimal machine code must come three things:an "End" command, four hex digits which are typically zeros, andanother "End" command. The TI-83 checks for the presence of thesecommands and will give "ERR: SYNTAX" if they're not there.
For example, the following program makes text display as white-on-black until some other event (e.g., viewing the PRGM menu)changes it back. (This program is harmless.)
prgmRVIDEO :Send(9prgmZRVIDEO :Disp "HELLO WORLD prgmZRVIDEO :FDCB05DEC9 :End:0000:EndNotice that the machine-code program ends by returning to the placein prgmRVIDEO from which it was called, so "HELLO WORLD" is displayedin reverse video. Thus it is possible to write snippets of assemblycode and call them from Basic programs. However, for guidance on howto write the actual machine code, you'll have to consult an assembly-language guide; TI-83 assembly language is much more difficult toexperiment with than TI-83 Basic.Subsection 10.3. Operating system glitches.
***WARNING!*** This entire section contains programs and experiments which will clear your TI-83's memory! Do not experiment with any of this section's code unless you have recently backed up all your favorite programs to your PC!(Most of this section's glitches were documented by KennethHammond on United-TI's forums, and verified by myself on my ownTI-83. See section 7.4 for some harmful glitches related to theempty string.)
There is a glitch in at least some versions of the TI-83 ROM,which has supposedly persisted all the way into the TI-84+. Using2nd-Rcl to recall a string (variable or Ans) containing the nameof matrix [H] will actually give the string with all instances of"[H]" replaced by "lcm(".
Another glitch causes the assignments of certain strings (forexample, "[H]1"→Str0 ) to display as long sequences of gibberish(in that example, "*row(8>Dec"). However, the strings still receivethe right values (as can be seen by evaluating expr(Str0) in thatexample).
Both of these glitches are reproducible on VTI. I believe bothof these glitches to be harmless, but I won't make any guarantees.
Another definitely harmful glitch, which is not reproducible onVTI, can be produced on the TI-83 this way: Set an equation (e.g.,Y1) to 0. Before viewing the graph, at the home screen, evaluateEqu>String(Y1,Str1) several times. Then press "Y=". Y2 will befilled with random gibberish. Attempting to down-arrow onto Y2 willcause a dramatic crash and require you to pull the batteries.
(This glitch has been tested on ROM version 1.08. It reportedlyhas different effects on different versions of the ROM.)
A note on dramatic, battery-pulling crashes: You may pull yourbatteries, and then find that when you replace them, pressing theOn button doesn't seem to do anything. Don't panic! Your calculatoris (probably) not fried; all that's happened is that its contrastlevel has been reset to 1 along with the rest of its factorydefaults, so you can't see anything on the screen. Press 2nd-Upuntil the contrast level returns to normal.
Section 11. References.
This guide would not have been possible without the excellentwork of a lot of TI-83 Basic programmers over the past ten years,some of whom I contacted while polishing this guide. There arealso a number of Web sites archiving tutorials and forum poststhat may contain tips and hacks not mentioned in this guide.
Subsection 11.1. Contributors.
Thanks to "Axcho" and Kenneth Hammond (a.k.a. "Weregoose")for their extensive comments on a draft of this guide.
Thanks to Mikhail Lavrov (a.k.a. "DarkerLine") for hiscomments on sections 5.3 and 7.4.
Thanks to Chris Senez for his comments on section 6.4.
Thanks to Frank Schoep for his comments on section 8.
An early reference to textsprites (section 5.3) is found inthe forum post technique was independently discovered by Kenneth Hammond,and also used in Mikhail Lavrov's game "Donut Quest" for theTI-83+.
The fraction-converting code in section 9.2 is taken from
Subsection 11.2. Web sites., an archive of programs, tutorials, and the like.
United-TI, a site with a large archive of forum posts.
TI Freak Ware, a site with forums and a collection of tutorials.
"Weregoose"'s Web site has an archive of code snippets.
This is an HTML version of "83TRIXV2.TXT". It may be out of date.For a current version in plain ASCII format, see