#2 beginners guide to graphics By TiBasicElite This is my second tutorial...And is greatly aimed at a Beginners tutorial. SO READ, LEARN, AND PROGRAM!!!

-Tutorial #2 (Begining graphic management)-
Hint: Your cordinates should be this when plotting points:
'' Press the "window" button to get these in. ''

Section 1 - Terms

1. Pt-on(
2. Pt-off(
3. Pt-change(
4. Line(
5. Line(,0
6. For(
7. Horizantal
8. Vertical
9. Variable Managing
10. Text(
11. RecallPic
12. StorePic
13. Circle(

Section 2 - Definitions

1. This will turn a point on, on the graph screen... Just find a point or points on the screen and type them in the point on function Pt-On.

Ex. pt-on(33,44)

2. This does the exact same thing as point on but turns a point that is on, off.

3. This may be the most usefull, This will turn whats on to off and whats off to on. Used the same way as pt-on and off.

4. It will draw a line with 1 starting point and 1 end. Ex. Line(22,22,44,44) will draw a line from 22,22 to 44,44 on the graph screen.

5. this would be like point-off to the line function. It will turn a line off.

Ex. Line(22,22,44,44,0) will turn off the line 22,22,44,44

6. This is used for Timing. Like maybe if you would like to draw a line or and animation and wait a little while before the next one shows up. Whenever you use this function, you must use "End" after it.

Ex. "For(any variable,1,Time you want to wait):End" very usefull in animations.

7. This function will draw a Horizantal line acrosse the whole screen.

Ex. Horizantal 22 ... Where 22 is the point where the whole line will go across.

8. Vertical does the same thing as horizantal exept it will draw a vertal line...(speed wise, if you want a straight line going through the whole screen then horizantal and verital are faster than Line()

9. This is not a function on the calc, it's just a very good way to have a region of flexiblity in your program. All of the funtions that I have just covered, can use variables in place of the numbers...Doing this will allow many different things... Mostly having the look of the graphic change each time around. Ex. :Line(A,B,A,C)

10. Text function isn't exacly graphics but it can be used to disp. letters, words, numbers, or stats on the graph screen. It is used like so... ' Text(# of how many colums down it is, X cordinate,"TEXT") you can also get rid of the quotations to disp. variable amounts or string values or names.

11. This will recall a pic that you have previously stored. (Can only hold 10 pics 0-9)

12. Stores A picture that you have drawn into a number 0-9 so it can be recalled later in program.

13. This will draw a circle. (very slow...)

Ex. Circle(10,10,5) Where 10,10 is the radius and 5 is how wide you want it.

If you would like me to write a program that explains and uses all of the functions above then write me and email:

__--__Send all comments/suggestions/questions/problems to: e-mail: degeneration_2000@hotmail.com

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