TI-83 Guide Part 1
By Anonymous
Tells you just about everything you want to know about TI-83 programming. This is part 1.

Ok now this guide will tell you alot about Ti-83 programming
To Start:
Make a new program Title it TEST
if you dont know how to start a new program you shouldnt own a calculator.

Now write this program

:Menu("TEST","NEW GAME",1,"LOAD GAME",2,"Quit",3 
:Lbl 1 
:SetUpEdior L TEST (note see where to find these keys) 
:Disp "This game is","Not all that","fun. Sorry." 
:Disp "But it will","teach you alot","about programming." 
:Goto A 
:Lbl 2 
:(1)*L TEST->S 
:(2)*L TEST->E 
:Goto A 
:Lbl 3 
:Lbl A 
:Menu("Main menu","Fight",F,"Check stats",CC,"Save game",SV 
:Lbl F 
:Disp "your HP",A 
:Disp "your AP",B 
:Disp "his HP",C 
:Disp "his AP",D 
:Goto 99 
:Lbl 99 
:Menu("Your turn","Sword",SD,"Fireball",FB 
:Lbl SD 
:Disp "SWORD" 
:Goto HT 
:Lbl FB 
:If B=0 
:Goto 10 
:If B>0 
:Goto 11 
:Lbl 10 
:Disp "Youre outta AP" 
:Goto 99 
:Lbl 11 
:Goto HT 
:Lbl HT 
:If A<1 
:Goto YL 
:If D>0 
:Goto W 
:If D<1 
:Goto D 
:Lbl W 
:Disp "his turn" 
:If L=1 
:Goto 50 
:If L=2 
:Goto 51 
:Lbl 51 
:If D>0 
:Goto 52 
:If D=0 
:Goto 53 
:Lbl 52 
:Disp "AP attack" 
:Goto F 
:Lbl 50 
:Disp "physical" 
:Lbl D 
:Disp "You won" 
:Goto SV 
:Lbl CC 
:Goto A 
:Lbl SV 
:{S,V}->*L TEST 
:Goto A

Now you ask what the hell have i just done? well what have we learned ? The menu which is used by simply placing words. The numbers after the words are used to show what label it is to go to when selected. The command Goto goes to a label. Lbl is a label. Disp displays what you want it too. Output does too put you must pick the points you want it displayed on. Now variables. A B C D S and E where used. Simply by stroring a number to it than returning it by typing the letter and doing what you please with it is what variables can do. randInt picks a random number between thos e selected in the parenthesis. I also show you how to save and load your games. SetUpEditor is found under the STAT key. it will set up aline that you name. Now The *L is a little l meaning line which is found under 2nd stat or list. it will recall the numbers it has in it and set variables as those numbers. Saving is simple. It sets the variables chosen in the list. In order from which you wrote them. (Z,X) the Z is (1) and the X would be (2). now the -> is the store button on your calculator just above the on button. It stores numbers to variables. If there is anything you dont understand e-mail me at Rune@Oneminuteleft.zzn.com

My next installment will deal with the pictures and graphing and displaying letters on graphs etc. And my third and final will be on animation.

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