TI-83 Guide Part 1
By Anonymous
Tells you just about everything you want to know about TI-83 programming. This is part 1.
Ok now this guide will tell you alot about Ti-83 programming
To Start:
Make a new program Title it TEST
if you dont know how to start a new program you shouldnt own a calculator.
Now write this program
:Output(1,5,"TEST" :Output(2,7,"X" :Pause :Clrhome :Menu("TEST","NEW GAME",1,"LOAD GAME",2,"Quit",3 :Lbl 1 :3->S :1->E :SetUpEdior L TEST (note see where to find these keys) :10->A :4->B :1->C :10->D :Disp "This game is","Not all that","fun. Sorry." :Pause :Disp "But it will","teach you alot","about programming." :Pause :Clrhome :Goto A :Lbl 2 :(1)*L TEST->S :(2)*L TEST->E :Goto A :Lbl 3 :Clrhome :Stop :Lbl A :Menu("Main menu","Fight",F,"Check stats",CC,"Save game",SV :Lbl F :Clrhome :Disp "your HP",A :Disp "your AP",B :Pause :Clrhome :Disp "his HP",C :Disp "his AP",D :Pause :Clrhome :Goto 99 :Lbl 99 :Menu("Your turn","Sword",SD,"Fireball",FB :Lbl SD :Disp "SWORD" :Pause :Clrhome :D-S->D :Goto HT :Lbl FB :If B=0 :Goto 10 :If B>0 :Goto 11 :Lbl 10 :Disp "Youre outta AP" :Pause :Clrhome :Goto 99 :Lbl 11 :Disp "FIREBALL" :Pause :D-randInt(3,6)->D :Goto HT :Lbl HT :If A<1 :Goto YL :If D>0 :Goto W :If D<1 :Goto D :Lbl W :Disp "his turn" :rantInt(1,2)->L :If L=1 :Goto 50 :If L=2 :Goto 51 :Lbl 51 :If D>0 :Goto 52 :If D=0 :Goto 53 :Lbl 52 :Disp "AP attack" :A-randInt(2,5)+E->A :Goto F :Lbl 50 :Disp "physical" :Pause :A-randInt(1,2)->A :Lbl D :Disp "You won" :Pause :Clrhome :S+1->S :E+1->E :Goto SV :Lbl CC :Output(1,1,"Strength" :Output(2,1,S :Output(3,1,"defense" :Output(4,1,E :Pasue :Clrhome :Goto A :Lbl SV :{S,V}->*L TEST :Goto A