Click on the links below to view the screenshots taken of pokemon as it has been developed.
Starting new game - This screenshot shows starting a new game in Pokemon Purple
animprtyconcept1.gif - Shows the start of the pokemon party screen, and the order routine working.
animprtyconcept2.gif - Shows another of the party order routines.
animprtyconcept3.gif - And yet another of the different orders the pokemon can be seen in.
arbok.bmp - This is a picture of the Arbok sprite from within the Sprite2Hex editor.
ashid.gif - This shows when the player just starts.
badges3.GIF - This shows when the player has obtained 3 badges.
badges5.GIF - This shows when the player has obtained 5 badges.
badgesall.GIF - This shows when the player has obtained all 8 badges.
Battle GUI - This showed when I was working on the battle screen and had first set it up.
Broken menu - Just a screenshot showing an issue I had with a menu being broken.
Computer NPC - Shows off drawing the computer NPC
dynamicmenu1.gif - Shows the dynamic border system in one form
dynamicmenu2.gif - And then in another
dynamicmenu3.gif - And yet another.
dynmenu1.gif - This shows the dynamic menu with the options causing the expansion of the borders.
dynmenu2.gif - This shows with different options.
dynmenu3.gif - This shows with different options.
dynmenu4.gif - This shows with different options.
dynmenu5.gif - This shows with different options.
dynmenu6.gif - This shows with different options.
event1.2.gif - Shows off the start of the events system in place in Pokemon.
event1.3.gif - Shows off the start of the events system in place in Pokemon.
event1.4.gif - Shows off the start of the events system in place in Pokemon.
eventalilfurther.gif - Shows off the start of the events system in place in Pokemon.
eventstart.gif - Very first bit of progress I had made with the events sytem.
fasterdialogue.gif - This shows the dialogue system as a button is being pressed, speeding up the text display; this was removed later due to unsolvable problems.
fixedmenubouncing.gif - I'm not 100% sure on this, what error I actually fixed, but here is a screenshot of it just the same. :)
French Pokemon Purple start - This is the start of pokemon purple french edition.
heywaitdontgooutnew.gif - Merely shows the events system with characters showing which direction npcs are going.
invisibleboundaries1.gif - This is another events system screenshot, showing off different characters for player/npc facing different directions.
items.jpg - This shows the beginings of the items screen.
itemsall.gif - This shows me scrolling through all the items in the items menus.
itemsfull.gif - This shows all the healing items in a full state
menu.gif - This shows the ingame menu.
move1.gif - Shows new way of moving pokemon around in the pokemon party screen.
move2.gif - Shows new way of moving pokemon around in the pokemon party screen.
movepokemon1.gif - This shows the 'move' function in the pokemon party menu functioning.
movepokemon2.gif - This shows the 'move' function being used again.
newborder1.gif - This shows the second border that will be available on pokemon.
newborder2.gif - This shows the second border in another spot on the screen.
newborder3.gif - Another shot of the second border in action.
NPC Interactions - Shows talking to NPCs working on the old system.
NPCs moving around on the map screen
NPCs move left and right - When I first got NPCs moving left and right on the map
NPCs talking *newest* - This shows NPCs talking after NPCs were allowed to move around the screen.
party1.gif - Shows off different options being used from the Pokemon Party screen.
Party display with errors - Just shows when I was fighting with the party display screen, had some issues.
partyconcept.gif - When I started working on the party screen, we made several styles for community choosing.
partyconcept1.gif - When I started working on the party screen, we made several styles for community choosing.
partyconcept2.gif - When I started working on the party screen, we made several styles for community choosing.
partyconcept3.gif - When I started working on the party screen, we made several styles for community choosing.
partyconcept4.gif - When I started working on the party screen, we made several styles for community choosing.
partyconcept5.gif - When I started working on the party screen, we made several styles for community choosing.
partyconcept6.gif - When I started working on the party screen, we made several styles for community choosing.
partywithouterrors.gif This shows a fixed version of Party display with errors
Pikachu - Shows what Pikachu looks like oncalc.
pmt.gif - This is the first title screen I had come up with, crappy, eh?
pmt3.gif - This was done by spellshaper, an excellent pixel artist from Omnimaga.
pmt4.gif - This is a greyscale titlescreen, also done by spellshaper, using Rigview.
POKEDEX.JPG - This shows the background for the pokedex image.
83+ Pokedex - Shows how much slower the pokedex runs on the 83+ over the SE.
83+SE Pokedex - Shows how fast the pokedex runs on the 83+SE.
pokeitems.gif - This shows the items system, scrolling through the list.
pokemap1.png - One of a few offered up pokemon map images for the game.
pokemap2.png - one of a few offered up pokemon map images for the game.
pokemaps.gif - Animated screenshot showing 3 different pokemon maps.
ppl1.gif - Shows off a few NPCs in the game on one screen.
scrollingmap3.gif - This shows the left and right linker routines fully functional.
scrollingmap4.gif - Shows off the maps around Viridian forest.
scrollingmap5.gif - Shows walking around inside Ash's house.
scrollingwalk.gif - This shows the new walking system being developed for pokemon.
scrollingwalk2.gif -This shows the new walking system, with hit detection enabled.
selectinpokedex.gif - This shows the pokedex system, and me selecting random pokemon.
starttowalk.gif - This shows me making it so the character changes pending what direction you are moving in.
status1.gif - Shows the status screen for Pikachu.
status1b.gif - Shows the status of Ditto, slightly changed from Pikachu ss.
status2.gif - Animated screenshot showing the two different status screens for a pokemon.
status2b.gif - Another animated screenshot of the status screens for a pokemon.
status2c.gif - A screenshot showing using the stats function from the party screen.
textscrollwborders.gif - This shows the beginings of the pokedex, after I added the borders.
Random Encounter - This is the start of the random encounter system.
Random Encounter, with flash (fast) - This was me adding the randome encounter flash animation... it was too fast and shoddy looking.
Random Encounter, with flash (slow) - This is a slower version of the random encounter flash.
Random Encounter - This random encounter shows a better devised flash (on hardware anyways) and a fixed encounter. Now it looks like you encounter on the grass instead of the normal path.
Revamp of the Pokedex - This shows a concept shot of me revamping the pokedex.
Revamp of the Pokedex - This is an animated version of the concept, which is not a concept anymore.
Revamp of the Pokedex - Shows faster pokedex system than previously posted.
randenc1.gif - Shows when I was working on getting random encounters in grass working, before the battle GUI was started.
randenc2.gif - Another screenshot of the random encounters 'working'.
randenc6.gif - This shows a flashing screen before displaying the data for a random encounter.
randencflash.gif - Shows off fast flashing when encountering a wild pokemon.
randencflash2.gif - Shows off a slower flashing when encountering a wild pokemon.
2nd version of random encounters - This is where the random encounter system is fully operational.
Random Encounters, with the battle screen! - Shows the beginings of the battle screen, yay!
New battle screen shot - This shows with an asm program now displaying sprites, even reversing them!
switchout2.gif - Showing off switching out pokemon for the battle system.
switchoutrunworks2.gif - This shows running away from a wild pokemon works.
Battle GUI switching pokemon 1 - Shows switching out party pokemon, has errors.
Battle GUI switching pokemon 2 - Shows switching out party pokemon with less errors.
Using Awakening - This shows me using awakening item on a party pokemon
First evolve testing - Threw this together to try to show that a pokemon was evolving.
Second evolve test - Weregoose supplied code to do something far snazzier with evolutions. I rather like it.
Third evolve test - Moved the sprite over to fall inside the spining circles.
Using Items - This shows off using some items from the battle gui screen.
problemwithitem1.gif - Shows when I was having an issue with using an Antidote on party pokemon.
showmoveselixir.gif - Shows the list of moves a pokemon knows, was done when working on elixir item.
stopevo.gif - Shows me stopping an evolution with the new evolution animation going.
testetherbattle.gif - Shows ether item working within battles.
whoops1.gif - This was an oops in the code I made when working with ethers.
testevolve.gif - Shows how I had progressed with getting the firestone evolution to work, doesn't show proper pokemon after evolving.
testevolve2.gif - Successfully shows the newly evolved pokemon after evolving.
testevolve3.gif - Adjusted evolution to loop only once.