Progress Continues

Well after an intense late night session I have finished some more image conversions. Mainly I worked on converted like half of the NBA team logos. I also got a new Information Hub setup. You can check out the new links for more pictures.

What's Next: I plan to finish up converting the NBA team logos, and then try to get a better looking court. That is the main part that is causing me many problems. After that I will start on spriting the player characters and all their animations. Stay tuned.

Welcome to the Official NBA 68K website

This is the happening spot for anything that has to do with NBA 68K. First off I have to say thank you sooo much to tifreak for his generosity. Next I just want to say that I am glad to be part of the TI-Freakware programming team.

I hope to provide an excellent game to add on to the TI-Freakware list. Well take a look around the fresh new site and Enjoy yourself.